Ancient Sikyona: Nearby from Kryoneri one can find the great archeological site of Ancient Sikyona (17 km / 20 minutes by car). Ancient Sikyona is a wonderful -although little known- archeological site. It is an ancient city with significant monuments, which spreads on a small plateau at an altitude of 140 meters, near the village of Vasiliko (Ancient Sikyon). Wherever one stands on the plateau, one overlooks the fertile orchards of the Asopos plain to Kiato and the sea of the Corinthian Gulf to the rock of Acrocorinth and Isthmus to the east.
In the archeological site there is an imposing ancient Theater, the excavated part of the Agora of the Hellenistic and Roman city, the Stadium and the Roman Thermes (Valanio), which today house a small but wonderful archeological museum.
The first excavations at the Theater were made by the American School of Classical Studies between 1886 and 1898. Subsequent excavations at the ancient market brought to light a temple, a palaces, a boulevard, a long gallery, and part of the theater's hollow.
Information: http://www.greek-crossroads.gr/

Ancient Corinth: Another archeological site near to Kryoneri is Ancient Corinth (35 km / 30 minutes by car). Ancient Corinth was an important city-state of the ancient Peloponnese (900 BC–146 BC). It controlled an area that corresponded to the east of the current prefecture of Corinth and to the northeast of the prefecture of Argolida. It bordered Sikyona to the west, Megarei to the east, Argeios to the southwest and Epidaurus to the south. Ancient Corinth controlled the key position of the Isthmus and was the most important commercial hub of the ancient world, until it was threatened by Athens. Corinth was considered the richest city in the ancient world.
Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Corinth

Byzantine monastery of Panagia Lechova
Of great interest is the restored Byzantine monastery of Panagia Lechova of the 11th AC. century, built at an altitude of 1,057 m. In the same area there was in antiquity a gynecological clinic of the Asclepieion of Ancient Titani, on which the monastery is built. The monastery is located near the top of Mount Vesiza (1,270 m.) In a forest of black fir.
The recently restored katholikon of the church and the renovation of the surrounding area with stone, is now an important point of reference for many visitors, mainly in the context of religious tourism. The recently paved road (4 km. From Kryoneri) and the electrification of the space brings the visitor to the space easier, all seasons.
Very close to the monastery there is the precipice Cave of Lechovi, of the late Neolithic era, which has been excavated in recent years and is one of the most important caves in Greece (mentioned in the catalog of the Hellenic Speleological Society).
Vaulted Tombs of the Mycenaean era: In the place "Panagia", next to the cemetery of the village, a Mycenaean burial enclosure is preserved with 10 vaulted tombs carved on three levels on the slope of the valley of Elissona. The tombs served in the past as a shelter for the inhabitants during periods of raids as well as as a guerrilla hideout during the Occupation. Following the testimonies of the blessed priest Christos Papanikolaou, Divine Liturgies have been performed in a vaulted tomb with at least 60 believers. The famous Orlando archaeologist has researched this site in the 50's. The Hostel "Elisson" is located inside the archeological site and has panoramic visual contact with the burial complex above the valley of Elisson.