The philosophy of the Hostel “Elisson” derives from the diversity of services offered, compared with the traditional meaning of vacation in Greece, with alternative services that are addressed to young people. Such services are the hospitality offered to young people's teams, interested in nature and in mountainous, cultural and eco-tourism activities, or activities of educational character, such us international youth exchanges, seminars, scientific visits to the astronomical observatory, cultural visits, environmental action in work camps.
Such activities are organized by the Intercultural-Environmental Organization "Filoxenia". It is based in Kryoneri, maintaining a Youth Information Center in the village since 1997, which is constantly staffed by young European volunteers under a similar European program. For more information about the activities visit:
Moreover, is given the possibility to participate in agro-tourism activities, like helping in farming (olive trees and vineyards) organic farming methodology and production, etc. Visitors can have a close look in the production of local products (grapes, raisins, sultanas, wine and olive oil), through specific organized agro-tourism programmes, in co-operation with local institutions and private producers.

The implementation of the above pilot parameters is supported by the existence of two Centers of special interest, which have been operating in recent years with great success and are located very close to the hostel:
the Intercultural-Environmental Organization „Filoxenia“ and
the Youth Center, which houses the local Youth Cultural Association, the office of the Local Council of the Kryoneri municipal district and the two local agricultural cooperatives. The Kryoneri Youth Cultural Association, which is housed in the Center, a Cultural Hangout of the village, organizes the Kryoneri Cultural Week on the last 10 days of July and supports the Open Doors of the Kryoneri Observatory.
It is also possible to organize guided tours in our area by bus (Minibus) and the transfer of our visitors to the train or bus stations in Kiato (15 km). In addition, in Kryoneri there is an organized motocross track (near the monastery of Lechova), which hosts pan-Hellenic races of the sport.